The arena of consciousness is vast. There are now numerous models attempting to capture this subject, most of which have been built on ancient ideologies and templates. The modern models mostly claim to be new because they have different names from their ancient counterparts. On closer inspection there have been some additions and subtractions but there is little new at all.  Some of the modern-day versions honour the scientific paradigm, whilst others are more aligned to a spiritual philosophy.


We have created two primary systems for better understanding the personality and processes of consciousness, which aim to simplify the complexity found in this field.  Our two models are The Three Aspects of Consciousness and The Four Aspects of the Mind.  In summary, The Three Aspects of Consciousness explains the different elements of consciousness and their vantage points – each one giving us a different appreciation of ourselves and reality.  The Four Aspects of the Mind helps us to navigate this huge and incredible terrain by understanding the subtleties of each of the four minds and how they relate to one another.  These models combined give us a very precise set of insights to the workings of the self and as a result, we are able to wake up to our true natures.


Trevor Maber, a doctor of philosophy, specialising in Organisational Development and Change, has put together this clever and simple video to help us understand some of the micro dynamics taking place in the brain (mind) which in turn lead us to draw conclusions that sometimes serve us well and at other times deceive us. This video introduces the ladder of inference, a concept first proposed by Harvard Professor, Chris Argyris.  This model is an invitation to re-think the way that we think, by evaluating our observations, breaking down our assumptions and beliefs to prevent us jumping to conclusions, thereby improving our transactions and communications with others.





To summarise, this video explains the 6 rungs on the ladder of inference and helps us break down what happens in our brain when we interact with someone. On the first rung of the ladder is the raw data (experience) resulting from our observations. Moving up to the second rung, we then filter our experience, unknowingly selecting elements of it based on our preferences and tendencies. On the third rung, we assign meaning to the data we have selected and begin interpreting it.  On the fourth rung, we develop assumptions based on the meaning(s) we created on the previous rung, which makes it harder to distinguish between facts and fiction.  On the fifth rung, we develop conclusions based on our assumptions and this is where emotional reactions are created. On the sixth rung, we adjust our beliefs about the world around us and on the final rung at the top of the ladder we take action based on our adjusted beliefs.


Also see: The Four Aspects of the Mind and The Four Aspects of the Mind Continued