Skyros, established by American psychologist Dr Dina Glouberman and Greek journalist Dr Yannis Andricopoulos, was Europe’s first ever course-based holiday centre and remains a world leader.  Skyros pioneered a holistic approach to life in tune with the classical Greek holistic understandings and it initiated new community structures which have been copied all over the world time and again. 


Skyros is all about living fully in the moment – and making the most of it. It is about the joy of living – It is the pleasure of reaching for the unimagined and the spectacular, which transcends fear in all it’s forms. It’s about the delight experienced by the appreciation of things for what they are – a life in tune, in harmony…




With one of the finest reputations in Europe for a holistic retreat since its inception at the end of the seventies, Skyros is an experience that can truly change your health and your lifestyle for good. You can stay amid the pine forest down by the sea or up in the pretty cobblestone town. Whilst it is perfectly acceptable to relax and unwind whilst eating very healthily, the focus is on unleashing your own true potential in order to gain greater peace and satisfaction.


This is achieved through courses of creativity, healing, psychology, spirituality, music and dance, massages, yoga and meditation. For many Skyros is still described as : ” the first and the best “, offering first class alternative holidays in all shapes and sizes….

Read more about Skyros Retreat….