The secret to health is the removal of waste…. The more I remove waste from my life the more I can find the best in me…. The things that hold me back are all negative in nature, they are all toxic in some way and as a result they not only contaminate my mind, they poison my body too…. As a result how I feel about myself at my core is contaminated…. This is why I repeatedly sabotage myself….As I have been drowning in my waste thoughts and actions…. But starting from this moment I take a vow to banish all that is negative from my life…. This mission begins in my mind…. I start by thinking differently about myself…. I realise I have many qualities, talents and abilities, that simply haven’t been exploited as I have been so busy finding fault with myself and my world….
The more I complain the more I will find to complain about…. Complaining is such a terrible disease that poisons my mind and body…. It sees the worst in others which makes it easy to see the worst in me…. When I see the worst in everything how can I find the best in myself?…. So when I rid myself of the habit of complaining, the waste thoughts simply fall away as they have nothing to sustain them…. Now I can see what else in my life needs to change…. I am inspired to de-clutter on all levels, removing anything that is opposing my progress, whatever form it may take…. It is a beautiful feeling removing the obstacles to growth…. The more I do this I feel courage and strength rising up in me…. For the first time I truly believe in who I am capable of becoming as I realise that I am much more than I imagined…. I fill my mind and body with all that they need, and as a result my spirit begins to soar….