Please don’t be confused, this is not a trailer for a Tom Cruise movie! It is an extract from the beautiful and moving soundtrack taken from the film ‘The Last Samurai’. The soundtrack, ‘a small measure of peace’, is written and produced by the German composer, Hans Zimmer who has been described as “the Beethoven of our time ” and as “one of the top 100 living geniuses”.


The depth and the breadth of his work is simply quite staggering. He has over the last 30 years composed and produced some of the most memorable and iconic pieces for film and other media. You would probably be surprised by how much of his work you already know and have been influenced by in some way, such is his repertoire….  If you’re reading this now then hopefully you can spare 8 minutes to drift into that special place – that place where peace always resides. It’s a place that’s deep inside, that’s safe and secure.


You simply have to get off life’s merry go round and allow yourself to ‘relax and let go’ – only then can you experience the comfort and the sweetness of that place. Close your eyes right now and allow this wonderfully seductive masterpiece to transport your heart and mind to that special place…. That place of peace so deep inside that nothing external can contaminate…




Another very peaceful voyage…. If not today come back soon and indulge your heart and mind for a few minutes…. The more you make time for solitude and quiet reflection the more peace will become your companion, removing your hurts and troubles, she is a loyal and true friend…. Enjoy her company as often as you can…