Chaos creates peacelessness…. Order creates peace…. Chaos is like a demon that chases away the bright, the new and the beneficial…. The mess it creates literally stops me from seeing clearly what needs to change, what needs to be done…. Order on the other hand shines like a bright light in the dark, illuminating every nook and cranny…. It leaves me in no doubt of what needs my attention…. It gently lures me in, asking me to tend to my needs…. Time and time again order demands positive change…. It encourages me to banish chaos…. It asks me to create structure and discipline…. It asks me to prioritise…. It asks me to to take charge of my life so that I might find my inner jewel…. I’m drawn to take up order’s invitation…. I’m drawn to the idea of peace, clarity, a new, bright beginning, free from clutter and confusion, free from peacelessness….
I feel the warmth of this new position rising up in me…. It’s comforting and calming…. I feel myself waking up…. Waking up to the need for order, the sweet freedom of structure and the tireless support of discipline…. I increasingly realise that these are not qualities that come to encase me…. They actually come to release me…. I move towards them with great hope and enthusiasm…. I now leave chaos and peacelessness behind…. And fall into the loving embrace of peace, structure and discipline….