Kanta Sandhu is a long-standing friend of Reach. She has been on an extraordinary journey which took her literally to the edge of life, where she had a close encounter with death. Hers is a story of courage, faith, humour, honesty and integrity. It’s the grace with which she met her fear, doubts and feelings of vulnerability that most offers hope to us all.
This is not a fairy tale or a ‘happy ever after’, story, this is a real-life account where her life literally hung in the balance and the fear of losing everything she loved was real and tangible. Kanta is still on the road of her own recovery and yet given the generosity of her heart and spirit, she has opted, through the sharing of her story, to offer hope and a possible solution to others.
Through a combination of the work she has done with Headway (a charity that works to improve life after brain injury), and the work she has done with ourselves, Kanta has been able to engineer a miraculous recovery, becoming an inspiration to many along the way. Headway has, over the last 35 years, helped literally thousands of individuals to live with and recover from a whole host of brain injuries and they’ve been able to help Kanta with some aspects of her rehabilitation. What Kanta has been able to do through Reach is find a life of greater meaning and purpose, and apply the principles of The Story of Health, which in her own words have been the basis of her recovery.
Below is a PowerPoint presentation that Kanta has put together and in collaboration with Headway, she is delivering it in a variety of settings which will hopefully help to empower sufferers and help professionals have a better understanding of the patient experience, and how they might be best assisted, to take what for many is a very difficult journey.
We would like to thank Kanta for allowing us to share her work….
Click here to download Kanta’s presentation
Also see: Brain matters and Brain waves