Relaxation is a wonderful antidote to stress. It can dissipate anxiety and quell the storms of anger.  Not only is it good for the mind as it generates greater poise and clarity, it also produces a multitude of healing hormones, which have extraordinary benefits for the body too: improving heart functon, lowering blood pressure, enhancing the immune system and much more.


Practising relaxation is like becoming your own physician as both mind and body are soothed and healed by its potency. Try one of these 10 minute relaxation journeys and watch how quickly you can become more calm and reflective in your outlook….




Let peace embrace you…



It’s time to use the power of your mind to release all your tension, stress and fear….



Practice silence and it will whisper it’s secrets loud enough for you to hear….



Also see: Mindfulness- Prof. Mark Williamsand Listen to: Listening-in