The latest addition to our good news is our wonderful collaboration with Cytoplan. Those of you who are clients and regular users of our services and resources will be well aware of this first class organisation. They are unique in terms of their ethos, approach and products in the field of nutrition and they are certainly leading the way in food state and wholefood supplementation.


Cytoplan, like Reach, has been running since 1990 and they continue to go from strength to strength. This organisation is owned by a charitable foundation, which oversees all their activities. Because the organisation is not driven by profits, it is busy spreading the message of good health through good nutrition and sharing its knowledge and resources both here in the UK and overseas. They are particularly involved in projects in South Africa and Egypt through HETN (Health Empowerment Through Nutrition). To find out more about this wonderful aspect of their work please click here.


Although we have a long heritage with Cytoplan, we recently strengthened our alliance because of our shared philosophies and principles. We both believe in ‘principle before profit’ and ensuring clients and users of our services are always in receipt of the best information available, to lead them to greater personal growth and empowerment.


It has been possible for a number of years to benefit from a 10% discount when ordering products from Cytoplan using our code: HE10 and that continues to be the case. For those making orders for the first time, if you, in the first instancering (01684 310099), using this code, the use of the code will then be recorded so that on all future orders you will automatically receive this discount whether you ring or order via the internet.


Please notethe 10% discount is in addition to any reductions Cytoplan already have in place at the time you are placing your order. This is a great offer! Cytoplan often has offers up to 30% on their products. And given that their products are unrivalled in quality, purity and pricing, we think you’ll able to get some excellent deals on nutritional products that are extremely effective when taken as part of a sensible eating and hydration regime.


Please take a look at their excellent website: cytoplan.co.uk, which is packed with good technical information, research, a wide range of products, helpful resources and much more. We would recommend all those interested in improving the quality of both mind and body to consider Cytoplan’s products at the top of their list. You will find that they are a very friendly and helpful organisation.


Unfortunately because of the state of our planet, supplements have become a necessity. Until there are radical changes in our relationship with the environment, we all need to take supplementation seriously. It is naive and dishonest to suggest that everything we need can still be acquired from our food sources – we have a long way to go to restore that position.


We would always recommend getting advice from a qualified, trusted and reliable source when making decisions around your health…





Also see: The Truth About SupplementsEpigenetics and Orthomolecular medicine