I’ve spent far too much time looking around, comparing myself with others and in doing so have found I feel less positive about myself…. At times the comparisons are so disheartening and at times even painful…. Why do I do this to myself?…. Can happiness be found in such an unkind and critical place?…. Does comparison ever really tell me the truth about me or anyone else?…. I think not…. I’m waking up to the fact that life isn’t about ‘looking out’, it’s about looking in…. The more I look out, the less I see myself…. The less I see myself, the more my needs go unmet…. How can I be the best I can be when I’m not even paying attention to myself?…. Therefore I’m unable to see what I need!…. My answers do not lie in comparing myself with someone else…. My answers lie in immersing myself into the depths of my own consciousness…. And that’s where my comparisons should take place…. Inside me…. I
look at my capacity, my talents and abilities and consider if I am using them in the best way I can…. Am I making the most of my gifts?…. These are the questions I should be asking…. These are the comparisons I should be making…. The only race I’m running is against myself…. No one else…. I stop looking left and right to see what he or she is doing, and I now focus on running my own race…. I look straight ahead and with quiet determination I strive to maximise my potential…. I dig deep, looking for my hidden virtues and talents…. I know there’s much more to me than meets the eye…. And I go in pursuit of that…. I look at what I already know about myself and develop that…. But I particularly go in pursuit of what I’ve not yet discovered, knowing there is a mine full of treasures in me, and that the best of me is yet to come to the fore…. I’m excited about what the future holds because now I’m not looking left or right, I can run the only race that matters…. My own…. Being the best me that I can be…. What else is there?….