Over the next 12 months we will be producing a new genre of meditation.  This is the first in the series…


These original meditations will invite you to get up and dance or go and take a brisk walk with the track ringing in your ears. Alternatively you could lie down in a dimly lit room and absorb the hypnotic rhythm and messages. Or you could play the track whilst preparing and cooking a meal or as you’re driving along in the car, train or bus…  In other words these are meditations that you can weave into the fabric of your everyday life – you don’t need to be still to imbibe them.


It’s worth mentioning that although it’s immensely valuable to sit quietly and meditate in silence or listen to more traditional meditation tracks, the true aim of meditation is to take its many benefits and apply them to your everyday life.  If we can only meditate whilst being still we are limiting our capacity to discover the true majesty of our minds. We are more magnificent than we realise but in order to experience this we need to push beyond our limits.





The original yogis, centuries before Christ, knew that meditation was not simply about being still and inactive. They realised they needed to transfer the power that meditation offered the mind into all their daily activities. This was known as karma yoga – meditation in action.


We are well aware that these meditations will not be for everyone. Our current meditations are not to everyone’s liking either… However, as synergists, we do not believe in a ‘one size fits all’ approach and there are already plenty of alternatives that will meet the common ideas of what meditation should be. We have been and will remain unique in how we approach this subject. So we hope you will enjoy this new genre, with its combination of catchy, hypnotic rhythms and positive phrases, inspirational statements and affirmations reverberating through these beautiful compositions.


Please experiment with this idea that you can meditate whilst doing other things and you’ll discover how vast the cosmos of consciousness really is and how you can become a meditational traveller, discovering new frontiers.


Enjoy the journey!