Dr Angus Pyke is the founder and Director of What Actually Works — an online forum providing simple, proven and effective strategies for people to live a happier and healthier life. Having run one of the busiest wellness centres in Australia over the past 10 years, Angus now spends most of his time as a sought after speaker and health coach. His humor, compassion and simple message has helped to empower thousands to make change and live a more passionate, healthy and fulfilling life.

There are some areas of your life that you cannot delegate to another person — your health is one of them. Angus will be sharing his simple yet powerful formula to a life of abundant health, happiness and passion. Find out why you have never truly been able to achieve lasting results with your health. By following the simple, proven and effective steps outlined in this session you can expect to begin the journey towards your best health ever…. Why not see if his philosophy works for you.



Also see: The Story of Health and Self-Care is the Key