We cannot continue to ignore the environmental consequences of our actions. The soil is rapidly eroding, the air is increasingly being polluted, we have acidic rain, causing immeasurable damage to crops and human health and there are also numerous economical factors that are making a mockery of the decisions and choices we are making – creating products where there retail value doesn’t even cover the cost of their production!


We have to start making environmental issues a priority because our current behaviour will bankrupt us, in terms of our health, the planet and its resources and even our economies and bank balances are going to suffer. This is something that now demands all our attentions. We are nearing ‘critical mass’ and if we do ignore what’s going on then the consequences are huge. We have to start understanding what biodiversity actually means and how essential it is to our survival and on-going health – physically, psychologically and economically.


Pavan Sukhdev, head of the UN Green Economy Initiative, applies numbers to things that nature does for free – like purifying drinking water, supplying food and fuel, protecting coasts from storms, and generally keeping humans alive and healthy. Sukhdev looks at what this tells us about the limitations of our economic system and how it needs to change. The pioneering economist (who also works for Deutsche Bank) describes what the global economy would look like with nature on the balance sheet.


Listen carefully and keenly to this talk and decide what you are going to do differently. We all have to start taking responsibility for our bit of the planet. We are its custodians and it needs our co-operation and in return we are guaranteed its support.


So what are you going to do differently today?



Another reason why change is needed now…..



Also see: The Environment Really Matters