For 20+ years Annie has been in some way involved in Reach and her personal development journey has helped turn her into an exceptional young woman and very competent therapist.
On the Postgraduate Certificate in Holistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (HIP), Annie achieved an impressive 10 distinctions, accumulating the highest marks in her cohort. This is largely due to her meticulous attention to detail and her impressive work ethic. Her outstanding achievement has also been reflected in the work she has been doing with challenging and diverse clients, working both in an NHS setting and as part of The Reach Network.
Annie is a very warm-hearted, empathic, generous and intelligent individual. She is such a wonderful addition to the Reach family and we highly commend her to those in need of a kind and skilled helper.
Let’s hear what Annie has to say…
With a strong interest in the mind-body connection from a young age, my journey with The Reach Approach began in my early teens. I found Reach offered life-changing emotional and practical support, and this has gone on to shape and influence how I’ve chosen to live my life. My learning, both theoretical and experiential, since these younger years has been comprehensive, varied, and profound. The more I understood, the more I realised that we have tremendous power over our own health, longevity, happiness, and future. By increasing our knowledge and applying it correctly we can go through a liberating experience of self-discovery – something I continue to experience and enjoy.
Understanding the importance of lifestyle factors, relationships, nutrition, sleep, exercise, the past, and individual habits doesn’t only give me a broader, connected picture, but it also enables me to recognise patterns of behaviour, which might be causing harm. What I love about The Reach Approach is how we identify and treat the root causes of an issue, as opposed to simply managing the symptoms (presenting concerns), helping to restore those in need through compassion, understanding, listening, patience and feedback. The person-specific approach is not confined to a one-dimensional solution, it always stretches me to uncover all I can through the therapeutic journey ensuring that the approach fits the needs of the client. As a result clients feel not only heard, but also hopeful for a better tomorrow.
I will always be in debt to Easton for the personal care and attention he has given me… and the team at Reach, who demonstrate such passion and dedication to the outstanding work which they do. I have benefited hugely from their research, commitment, and the way in which they have beaten a drum for positive change. Through the last forty years, they have dedicated their lives to bettering the lives of other people and it is an honour to now walk in their footsteps.
Contact details:
Tel: 07939 079135