The power of plants should not be underestimated. Nature has an abundant pharmacy, providing us with every nutrient we need and offering us invaluable protection as part of the deal. Below is a chart offering you some insight into this incredible pharmacy and with that offering you the choice to broaden and diversify your diet.


Type of Anti-oxidant Sources Benefits
Beta-carotene (converted in the body to vitamin A) Apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, carrot juice, collard greens, mangos, oranges, papaya, peaches, prunes, pumpkin, red bell pepper, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, yellow squash. May reduce the risk of heart attack, may protect against cataracts, may boost immune response to cold and/or flu, may promote healthy eyes, may promote healthy skin
Flavonoids (a sub-group of the broader class of polyphenols) Apples, black tea, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, broccoli, chocolate, cranberries, green tea, onions, oranges, raspberries, red grapes, red wine, some nuts, strawberries May protect against damage done by cholesterol, may help prevent blood clots, may have cancer fighting properties, may positively affect mechanisms involved in the maintenance of cardiovascular health
Isoflavones Dried beans, miso, soy beans, soy cheese, soy milk, tofu May help lower levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) may help lower triglycerides
Isthiocyanates Bok, choy, broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower,collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard, greens,rapini, turnip greens, watercress May block many cancer causing agents in a wide variety of cancers, may detoxify potential carcinogens, such as environmental toxins
Lutein Corn, egg yolks, kale, spinach, turnip greens May help to prevent macular degeneration
Lycopene Guava, pink grapefruit, tomatoes, watermelon May reduce the risk of prostate cancer, may reduce the risk of colon cancer, may reduce the risk of bladder cancer
Organosulphurs (allylsulphides, allium) Chives, garlic, leeks, onions May have beneficial effects on cholesterol level, may protect against stomach cancer may protect against colorectal cancer
Phytic acid Legumes, nuts, wheat, bran May lower risk of colon cancer
Plant oestrogens Berries, flaxseed, soy beans, whole wheat, soy milk May help reduce the risk for breast cancer, may help reduce the risk for prostate cancer, may inhibit the proliferation of existing cancer cells
Resveratrol Huckleberries, mulberries, wine, blueberries cranberries, grapes May protect against cardiovascular disease, may fight tumour promotion and progression
Selenium Brazil nut, wheatgerm, halibut, sunflower seeds, salmon, scallops, brown rice, clams, turnips, oats, barley, garlic, oysters May help with arthritis, may help prevent, artherosclerosis, may help prevent cancer, may help prevent heart attacks, may help prevent cataracts, may help prevent infertility, heavy metal detoxification, immunodeficiency
Sulforophane Bok, choy, broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale kohlrabi, mustard, greens, turnip greens May block the effects of carcinogens and suppress the growth of tumours
Vitamin C Broccoli, black currants, sprouts, Cantaloupe, cauliflower, grapefruit, (citrus fruits), green bell pepper, kiwi, oranges, papaya, red bell pepper, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes May help to maintain the flexibility of blood vessels therefore benefiting blood pressure, may boost immune response to colds and/or flu
Vitamin E Almonds (various nuts), broccoli, corn, oil, dandelion greens, kiwi, mangos, safflower oil, soybean oil, spinach, turnip greens, wheat germ, oil May prevent blood clots, may prevent the formation of fatty plaques and cell proliferation of the walls of arteries, may protect against stroke caused by blocked arteries, may reduce the risk of cancer by preventing cancer cell proliferation and causing cancer cells to die, may protect against cataracts
Zeaxanthin Broccoli, sprouts, citrus, collard, greens, corn, eggs, green beans, kale, okra, orange juice, peas, spinach, squash, turnip greens, zucchini May help prevent macular degeneration


Also: Natural Alternatives To The Top 10 Drugs and Micro-Nutrient Depletion Symptom Checklist