The single most important measurement of your health is the pH of your blood and tissues – how acidic or alkaline it is. Different areas of your body have different ideal pH levels, but your blood pH is the most telling of all. Your body will go to great lengths to preserve it.


The acid/alkaline balance (also called acid/base balance) is measured on a pH (potential hydrogen’s) scale from 1 (very acidic) to 7 (neutral) to 14 (very alkaline). 7.4 to 7.5 are slightly alkaline and are associated with good health. Cancer cells give off lactic acid in anaerobic fermentation of food, which generates a lower pH and thereby further compromises the cell’s ability to fight off the cancer. In other words, cancer likes an acid environment.


Just as your body temperature is rigidly regulated, your blood must be kept in a very narrow pH range – at worst mildly acidic, but preferably slightly alkaline. Your body will go to great lengths to preserve it’s pH in the right range, including wreaking havoc on other tissues or systems. Your correct pH is more important than blood pressure, cholesterol count, blood sugar, hormone levels, calorie count etc.


How to encourage a healthy pH

  • Try to eat 70-80% alkaline food such as wholegrain products, fresh vegetables and other plant food. Fresh fruit is alkaline, but turns acidic when made into juice or cooked. In particular the acidity level of courgettes, peppers, onions and aubergines increase when roasted.


  • Milk and lean meat such as chicken, fish and turkey are only slightly acidic. Tomatoes and oranges are very acidic. Lemons and vinegar become alkaline in your body.


  • Deep breathing exercises and drinking plenty of water help maintain alkalinity (for more information on this see Body pH and its role in health maintenance – on paper trail page – research section).


  • Try to eat only 20-30% acid forming food such as meat, sugar, cheese, butter, processed refined food, yeast products, fermented food, grain, artificial sweeteners, fizzy drinks, coffee and alcoholic drinks. (Some vegetarians may have an abnormally high pH and may need to eat some acidic food to bring their pH down to a normal healthy level).


  • Raw foods are generally more alkaline, while cooked food is more acidic.


  • Drink alkaline juices made up mostly of green vegetables and grasses. Go easy on fruit juices as they contain large amounts of sugars. To get used to the more subtle sweeteners found in greens, you may want to add some beetroot and carrots. These vegetables are sweet because they have higher levels of sugars, so keep them to 20% or less of your juices. (Peppers are not so high in sugars, so you can use them freely).


  • ­Bicarbonate of Soda (without aluminium) is very effective in bringing up your pH. Several months’ supply will cost less than a few pounds from your local supermarket. For 7 to 10 days, take one to two teaspoonfuls a day in a small cup of water first thing in the morning half an hour before any food. If you pH is very low, take two teaspoonfuls first thing in the morning for 7 days, then one teaspoonful for another 7 days. Later take one teaspoonful once or twice a week. This may also prevent you getting colds and flu.


By taking Bicarbonate of Soda first thing in the morning, it passes through your empty stomach quickly into your small intestines, where it is absorbed into your blood. Taking Bicarbonate of Soda half an hour before food enables your stomach to become acidic again so it can digest your food. If you are anxious or worried, one or two teaspoonfuls a day of Bicarbonate of Soda can be very effective.


To test if you need Bicarbonate of Soda, take 2-3 teaspoonfuls first thing in the morning in a small cup of water. If you belch within 5 minutes you have enough and your pH should be OK. Alternatively you could test your urine using litmus paper to assess your acid/alkaline status. This should be done over several days to get an accurate picture. If your level is consistently below a pH of 7, then Sodium Bicarbonate will definitely help.


The Acid – Alkaline balance must be properly regulated to prevent cancer or to overcome it. The body must be alkaline and properly oxygenated for optimal health.


Why very acidic blood is bad for you

Acid and alkaline are opposites and when they meet in certain ratios, they cancel each other out creating a neutral pH. It takes about twenty times as much alkaline to neutralise any given amount of acid, so it is easier to maintain alkalinity than to regain it. Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium all react with acids to create far less toxic substances, which can then be eliminated by the body. These alkaline minerals are kept in reserve in a healthy body to meet an emergency, but if there are insufficient amounts in the diet or in reserve, the body has to absorb them from elsewhere, like calcium from your bones or magnesium from your muscles.


If the pH in the body’s tissues becomes too acidic, oxygen levels decrease and your body cells will start to die. Cancer cannot survive in oxygen. To ensure your body has an adequate mineral reserve, particularly when your health is under par, add the following to a healthy diet (70% alkaline forming foods, 30% acid forming foods).


Magnesium – take a vitamin/mineral supplement with 350-700mg of magnesium per day. Magnesium helps to hold potassium in your cells.

Sodium – take two teaspoonfuls a day of Bicarbonate of Soda several times a week (if needed).

Potassium – Seaweed has a bountiful supply of potassium. Eating a diverse variety of greens will also ensure your needs are met.

Calcium – best form of calcium supplements are calcium amino acid chelate or citrate, which is twice as well absorbed as calcium carbonate.

Vitamin D – this helps your body absorb calcium and magnesium from your food and supplements. Take 20-40mcg per day.


Why Geopathic Stress causes acidic blood

During sleep your brain does your body’s “housekeeping”, looking after your organs, creating new cells etc. Unfortunately, due to the brain having to struggle with Geopathic Stress, it delays the proper operation of your digestive system, so you no longer absorb the correct amount of minerals, vitamins and trace elements from your body, thereby creating more acidic blood. For those interested in exploring the topic of geopathic stress, take a closer look at the work of Rolf Gordon of Dulwich Health, who has spent the last 25 years researching the subject.


How to measure your pH balance

You can measure the pH balance in your saliva or urine with pH litmus test strips from your chemist or the Internet. For testing your urine, collect fresh urine in a container first thing in the morning, after you have fasted overnight. Tear off a test strip with dry fingers. Dip the test strip into the urine for 2 seconds. Pull it out and shake off surplus liquid. The test strip changes colour depending on the pH value at the moistened patch. Compare the colour with the colour scale on the container. Even though a blood pH test is more accurate as it is taken from blood samples at your doctor’s clinic or hospital a urine test is a very good indicator, especially when you test yourself over a number of days. You can also randomly monitor for yourself your own pH levels, giving you a better idea of what’s happening to the foods and liquids that you are consuming. This enables you to make better choices around your health.


Bicarbonate of Soda as a Cancer Treatment

According to Dr Tullia Simoncini, the famous oncologist in Rome, Italy, Bicarbonate of Soda hits cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity which allows much more oxygen into the cells than cancer can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Bicarbonate of Soda is effective in treating poisoning or overdoses form many chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs by negating the cardiotoxic and neurotoxic effect. The safe oral use of Bicarbonate of Soda should be taken very seriously no matter what other treatment is used. It also means that you do not have to alter your diet too drastically, particularly if you are underweight and have little appetite due to cancer, so it is a very versatile intervention and definitely should be considered as a helpful strategy in chronic cases. It is also invaluable for maintaining good health as nothing will ensure that better than your body’s pH.


Also: Cancer is a Fungus?