There is a mental health awareness day, every year in October (10th), which is endorsed by The World Health Organisation. In May, each year since 1949, America has actively promoted a mental health awareness month. In the UK, mental health awareness month is in October.
Although it’s positive to have prescribed days, events and specialist activities, because it helps to focus the mind, we need to remember this is an all year round problem. The Mental Health Foundation has invited us to focus on loneliness this year because there are so many who find themselves in the grip of this terrible situation.
Here’s what Mark Rowland, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation had to say:
“Loneliness is affecting more and more of us in the UK and has had a huge impact on our physical and mental health during the pandemic. That is why we have chosen it as our theme for Mental Health Awareness Week 2022. Our connection to other people and our community is fundamental to protecting our mental health so we must find better ways of tackling the epidemic of loneliness. We can all play a part in this. The week is also an invaluable opportunity for people to talk about all aspects of mental health, with a focus on providing help and advice.”
At Reach we believe the best way to deal with the mental health epidemic is through The Story of Health. The Story of Health invites us to equally meet all of our core needs, and to do so with consistency.
It invites us to find ways to feel better about ourselves, by silencing the inner critic and awakening our self-respect and self-belief. We need to resurrect our authentic nature so that we can fulfill our potential. We need to reach out to others and be supportive as we look for ways to build communities based on mutual support and respect. If we are to make the impossible possible, then every day we need to actively remove prejudice and dogma and make a commitment to the core values of equality, kindness and compassion and justice for all.
Here are numerous activities and initiatives that you may find useful, as well as stories of those who have changed direction and taken healthy control over their lives.