The road to recovery, optimal health and well-being cannot be successfully navigated without focusing on the three essential components that define our humanness i.e. mind, body and spirit. Today there is a disproportionate interest in the body and an almost total neglect of the mind and spirit. This huge imbalance is responsible for much of what ails us as individuals and the societies in which we live. Of course the body is an important part of the human equation and so we cannot afford to neglect it but to bow at the altar of the body at the expense of mind and spirit is probably our greatest folly. Although the mind-body-spirit model is truly an interdependent system, if we understood the real importance of this human equation we would realise each has a deep and subtle relationship with the other, and that the true chronology is spirit, mind and body.



The spirit refers to the essence of who we are. It’s that aspect of self that gives everything else value, meaning and purpose, because a life without these drives is no life at all. Many people only superficially engage with life and could easily be described as being part of the community of the vertical dead. They walk around displaying vital life-signs but in fact are not truly living, as they are driven by relentless pressures, excessive demands and a life of image without real substance. They are really leading lives that lack the spark of value, meaning and purpose.



Unless we stop being subservient to image and turn our attention to creating a life of substance, our lives will continue to have no spiritual significance. Health cannot evolve nor be sustained on barren land. Only in the fertile fields of the spirit can well-being and optimal health be found.



The mind is the powerhouse, the magician, the arena of miracles and wonders, yet it is only able to achieve this promise and potential with the fuel of spiritual significance. Our greatest assets are our thoughts but thoughts need to be channelled. If the awesome energy of the mind is not given clear direction and strong boundaries then a state of indiscipline, chaos and anarchy exists, which in turn cripples the individual. Peace of mind depends on equanimity and in order to achieve such balance and poise we need positive mind-bending activities. Unless we feed the mind a diet of uplifting, inspiring, positive principles and ideals, the negative bent that defines so much of our lives and distorts our being can never be rectified. So, a life full of positive mind- bending activities is required to reach our destination.



The Body : Once the mind and spirit are honouring their true purpose and meaning then the body can play its part in delivering health, as long as its core needs are met. Physical health depends on 90+ nutrients being supplied through our food and supplementation every day, a varied and consistent exercise regime, a life that is detoxifying i.e. as far as possible free of waste and a balance between water and oil.



Other interventions may be needed to underpin our health like massage, yoga, reflexology, tai chi, acupuncture etc. None of these, however, will have lasting value if we forget that we are in fact vertical rivers. When considering mastering the health of the body, it is vital to remember water must come first. Health cannot exist where there is a culture of dehydration. Nearly all physical disease can be traced back to dehydration. Many viruses and chronic ailments thrive in conditions where oxygen and water are in short supply and therefore we must become vigilant and keep our own rivers flowing.



If you have really understood this handout it will be apparent that if you want to turn around your present situation, whatever that might be, you cannot expect to achieve success if you are not respecting the needs of your spirit, mind and body. Only when their independent needs are met can the state of interdependence on which our health relies, really be achieved. Now, make time to formulate a plan that best meets all the needs of the spirit, mind and body. This is probably the most important task you will ever undertake. We wish you well.




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