For far too long my life has felt like it is spiralling out of control… I’m tired of feeling that my life has little meaning and purpose… Even small things have started to feel like significant challenges…
I wonder if I will ever be able to change the direction of my life and find that meaning and purpose I long for… As I follow this trail of thought, it becomes increasingly clear that what is missing is a clearly defined set of priorities… For such a long time my life has simply bobbed along, directionless, responding to people and events, without proper recourse to my own needs… It’s time for change…
It’s time for me to identify what needs to change in my life… Where am I still going wrong?… What do I need to do differently?… As I look within, and honestly ask my heart what needs to change, the truth slowly unveils itself… The truth is not hiding from me, it is I who have been hiding from it…
I need to make a plan… I need to identify what is missing in my life and work out how to install it… I need a set of non-negotiables, a set of goals that reflect my needs… a set of goals that will turn my life around… My destiny is truly in my hands… It is I who need to do something different… I cannot keep expecting life to change if I’m not leading the charge…
Self-transformation begins with me… I need to work out the needs of my mind, body, and spirit, and how to engineer my environment to support my new mission… I’m not simply going to think about this, I am going to act in my own self-interests, for this is the right thing to do…
I’m going to create my own non-negotiables, my own code of conduct, which I will strive to honour each day… I now realise that change must first begin with me, and so I make the changes that are necessary… Today!…