As I turn within, I become aware of my inner world… There’s so much noise in here… It’s difficult to know what to listen to… The stiller I am, the more I can hear and feel where best to let my mind roam… There’s no right or wrong way to listen, I simply need to listen… And as I do, what needs my attention becomes increasingly clear…


My intuition grows… My insight becomes clearer… I come to trust my inner knowing, as it has my best interests at heart… Silence is such a beautiful pastime… Why don’t I spend more time with myself in this way?… What am I afraid of?…


As I listen, the answers to my questions float their way to the top… There is nothing to fear here… Solitude only wishes me well… The more time I spend in this space, the better I come to know myself… I have unfathomable beauty and wisdom, and the more time I spend looking within, the more I step into the truth of who I am… My masks fall away…


My ego has no need to fight to be seen… What benefit is there in conflict anyway?… I choose peace, and peace chooses me… Turning within is such an easy thing to do… I must make more time for it each day… It offers me rich rewards… There’s a lovely, warm glow growing inside of me… It melts away my fears…


I realise, I can choose to partake in my destiny, and so I do… I take responsibility for my life, and I am set free… I blame no one and forgive those who have trespassed against me… And I ask to be forgiven for my mistakes… The more I think kind and uplifting thoughts, the more my life unfolds in accordance with my desires…


I love being quiet in this way, and generating a quiet trickle of pure, positive thoughts every day… This is the way I now choose to be, and as a result, I better see myself and the world… I’m mindful… I feel empowered…