“Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882)
It’s only when I stop and reflect on how far I’ve come do I realise how much I’ve healed and grown since working with Nina and the Reach approach. The girl that entered that first session was anxious, had low self-worth, low self-esteem and was holding herself back through fear. I am not that same girl today.
Since I began working with Nina, I have replaced certain negatives patterns of behaviour and thinking with more positive and nurturing behaviours, that help me to live a more joyful and peaceful life. And although I am not perfect, and life still has its many struggles I am now much better equipped to deal with them.
I also learned a lot about myself during my time with Nina. I experimented with new hobbies and still continue to do so – this helped enrich my life and make me feel more whole as a person.
I found The Reach Approach to be truly life changing and sustainable as a form of therapy. Knowing there were stages to the process we were actively working through in each session, helped give my development focus and aim. The mixture of psychotherapy, with a holistic approach and the addition of more tangible practices that I could apply to real life situations has given me a well-rounded sense of healing and understanding of myself.
Sometimes the sessions were relaxing and other times challenging, and sometimes I felt like I didn’t need to be there that week, but it was committing to the process when things were going well in my life that would set me up for when things felt like they weren’t going so well. All of the four stages had value and were so important to my development.
If you are looking for an approach that has lasting impact and you’re ready to put in the work and be consistent, I would highly recommend Nina – she is patient, compassionate, caring, and genuinely passionate about The Reach Approach and the work she does. I always felt safe in our sessions knowing I could share with her my inner most thoughts, worries and experiences.
I can’t thank her enough.
Best wishes
Ellen, Warwickshire UK
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
“It was not an easy decision for me to seek counselling and I approached it with a great deal of trepidation. However, I am very glad that I found Nina, her calm and professional demeanour is very reassuring. Over many months Nina’s insightful approach and warm and empathetic manner helped me address the problems that led me to seek therapy.
Nina’s comprehensive approach helped me to reevaluate and make changes in many different areas of my life. I feel that the process gave me psychological self sufficiency. I have so many different techniques and strategies to fall back on if I ever need them.”
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Working with Nina helped me to gain strength and courage to face past difficulties that had been hidden for many years, enabling me to live more freely and peaceably. Nina is professional, patient and a skilled listener. I would recommend her practice.
A mature student
I think the holistic approach with Nina really helped improve all aspects of my life and therefore has increased my happiness levels.
A Medic
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 – 1968)
We Sow, We Reap
Know this truth, have no doubt
Whatever we put in we get out
Whatever we sow we will reap
Know this truth the universe will keep
Action equals reaction, we take, we should give
Remember the principle by which we live
Take heed of this maxim that’s sure and true:
Whatever you do comes right back to you
If we sow negativity we reap discouragement
If we sow neglect we reap disconnectedness
If we sow anger we reap hate
If we sow oppression we reap retaliation
If we sow anxiety we reap fear
If we sow deceit we reap distrust
If we sow mistrust we reap disbelief
If we sow disenchantment we reap disillusionment
If we sow hope we reap optimism
If we sow encouragement we reap confidence
If we sow happiness, we reap joy
If we sow potential we reap possibilities
If we sow acceptance we reap contentment
If we sow positive affirmations we reap self worth
If we sow affection we reap warmth
If we sow acknowledgement we reap appreciation
If we sow dedication we reap commitment
If we sow empathy we reap understanding
If we sow tolerance we reap patience
If we sow tenderness we reap compassion
If we sow peace we reap harmony
If we sow kindness we reap generosity
If we sow goodness we reap virtue
If we sow love we ultimately reap truth
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world…. It’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978)
There Is No December Here
God has kept me beautiful for a reason.
But I feel so anxious!! I’m trying to console myself with ‘Feel the Fear and do It Anyway’. This conflicts with my truth ‘I’m crap with courage’ torn like a ripped sheet, asking how do I mend it securely without the seam showing?
If the seam is visible maybe it represents growth and maturity?
Can I show my seam to the world without appearing weakened and vulnerable? I know if a seam is further traumatized it is never able to fully recover without cutting it out and starting again. The difficulty may be that the garment no longer fits its occupier as it is now shrunken and reduced!!
Maybe it’s worth the risk, as I will never know if I would make it unless I try.
I return to anxiety! And again console myself with there is no December here; this is my position; I remain scared, even petrified; yet I lean on the faith that all is well with me. My eyes fill up…
Paulette Haughton
“Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.”
Benjamin Disraeli (1804 – 1881)
Dr. Liz Clarke
Marneta Veigas
Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997)
- Communication and Honesty
Make a pledge to be open and honest and to say things with kindness – if not wait until you can! - Compromise
Thinking about the other person and performing selfless acts. Also surrendering the need to be right. - Spontaneity
Taking the risk of looking silly. Being able to laugh at oneself. Cultivating a spirit of adventure. - Respect and Friendship
Make time to do things together – foster a culture of mutual respect. To say good things about each other every day. (This is important to help the relationship stay young!). Trust in each other’s abilities. - Quality Time
Set a time to do something every week! Come up with a set of non-negotiables e.g. badminton, table tennis, walking, bowling, sauna & steam, gym theatre, salsa, board games and watching DVDs as a family. - Responsibility
Change begins with me! So take the initiative to change – miracles are made. The only thing to fear is an unfulfilled life! - Accommodation
Be tolerant – pledge to talk about things when the dust settles to ensure things don’t fester beneath the surface. Don’t play the blame game – that way you can break negative cycles when discussing challenging issues. Be kind about the other’s shortcomings. - Fun & Laughter
Find ways to keep your relationship light and fun – Always keep laughter in your hearts. - Support & Encouragement
Encouraging each other wherever deficiencies exist, or there is a lack of motivation such as : with health & diet. Support each other in times of need – both empathy and sympathy are needed. - Love & Commitment
Be more loving, tactile and harmonious with each other. Commitment means a degree of sacrifice for the other person. Love does not count what it does!
AKA Valerie Stanley-Brooks and Patrick Brooks